Delaware Soccer Club has numerous Premier and Travel Teams competing in various leagues and championships at various levels, including the Great Lakes Alliance, Thruway League, Champions League, State Cup, and Buffalo Western New York Junior Soccer League (BWNYJSL). The majority of teams compete in the BWNYJSL, a collection of soccer clubs from towns in the Buffalo and Western New York area, such as Kenmore, Clarence, East Aurora, Hamburg, Amherst, Wilson, Grand Island, West Seneca and Orchard Park. Even though it’s called "Travel" soccer, the longest drive to a BWNYJSL away game is rarely more than 40 minutes.
First and foremost, we want all our Travel players to enjoy soccer and to have fun. We want to develop our Travel players to their highest individual level and always prepare players for the next level. We want all our players to develop the desire to play on their own at home with their friends, watch soccer on TV and watch local live soccer. A close connection to the game will help Travel players to enjoy the game more and develop quicker as a player.
There are two pricing options based on your team placement for the season.
Most of our travel teams fit this category. These are teams that play in local BWNYJSL for the outdoor season.
Our travel teams that are at an elite competition level. League play is typically Thruway League or GLA for the outdoor season. One additional "premier" outdoor tournament is included as well.
Additional Fees:
Uniforms: The uniform will be an additional cost of around $120 for two jerseys, shorts and socks. This must be purchased by the family via our "DSC Uniforms/Fanwere" link. These are only purchased every two seasons, which means you get two seasons from one uniform purchase.
Indoor Leagues: Teams have the option to join an indoor league during the winter and/or compete in additional outdoor tournaments at an additional cost. Families are also responsible for all travel, lodging and food costs. These are all team level decisions and player participation is not required.
The travel season runs November through July. Travel teams practice twice per week and may also compete in various friendlies throughout the winter. Teams also have the option to compete in an indoor league at an additional cost in one of the WNY indoor soccer facilities. During the outdoor season, May through July, teams practice twice per week, play a weekly league game and attend one local weekend tournament. Some teams may choose to attend additional tournaments at an additional cost. Players unable to commit throughout the winter may inquire if roster space is available to join a team just for the outdoor season. In either case, players are expected to attend every practice session and all games. If an issue will prevent a player from attending a practice or a game, the coach must be notified as far in advance as possible. The Travel soccer program at DSC is a place for kids who love to play, want more soccer and are serious about becoming a better soccer player. Players who miss games and practices could lose playing time and/or be removed from the program. Note, U8 - U14 players are also encouraged to play Fall and Summer House League!
The Delaware Soccer Club fields youth Travel soccer teams from U8 to U19, boys and girls. To confirm your age group, please review the soccer age matrix. The U refers to under, so for example, the U10 team would include players age 10 or under. Generally, children play in their appropriate age group, although some children play in older age brackets. A child may not play in a younger age bracket, so a 10 year-old may not play U9 for example.
Two practices per week. During November-April, all weekly indoor practice will be held at Nardin Academy Athletic Center. A DSC Trainer/Staff will be on site at each of these sessions unless DOC or Coach opts for practice without. During May-July, teams will continue to practice twice per week, likely on grass fields in the city, with a DSC Trainer/Staff on site at least one of those two practices unless DOC or Coach opts for practice without. These facility fees, Trainer fees and field costs are all included in the registration fee.
Competition in the BWNYJSL once a week, May-July. This includes the required NYSWYSA player insurance, U.S. Soccer player pass, Coach background check/Risk Management pass and League registration and bond.
One Outdoor Tournament registration fee is also included in each package.
Additional items covered by the registration fee include various administrative costs, equipment costs and scholarship costs.
Note: The uniform will be an additional cost of around $120 for two jerseys, shorts and socks. This must be purchased by the family via our "DSC Uniforms/Fanwere" link at the top of the page. Teams have the option to join an indoor league during the winter and/or compete in additional outdoor tournaments at an additional cost. Families are also responsible for all travel, lodging and food costs.
Payment plans and discounts will be available. Need-based scholarships are also available. Anyone requesting financial assistance must complete the scholarship application during registration and provide the required documentation. Players will not be allowed to practice or play without financial arrangements in place.
BWNYJSL teams are placed in different divisions, with Division A being the most competitive and advanced. We always try to have BWNYJSL put our teams in divisions that are challenging and competitive. We therefore have teams play in A divisions, but also in B, C and D divisions. Being placed in the appropriate division makes the season enjoyable for everyone. Go to this link to check out the BWNYJSL website.
In certain years there may be specific teams, based on their skill level and interest level, that may participate in a higher-level premier league, such as the Thruway League.
Practices are an important part of a player’s development and a team’s cohesiveness and success. In the event of an unavoidable absence, notify the coach or team manager well in advanced of the practice, preferably 24 hours in advance. Arrive at the field ready for practice prior to the start time. This includes proper training gear including shorts, shirt, socks, shin guards, footwear, and appropriate apparel for colder weather, as well as water or sports drink.
Players shuold also be working on skills at home.It is impossible to expect that players master their skills only during their prescribed training sessions. Therefore, it is imperative that players set aside time at home to work on their individual technique and conditioning.
Games and Tournaments
A team’s success during games and tournaments are a direct result of our hard work and preparation. Players are expected to abide by the travel guidelines guidelines. Please notify the coach of an anticipated absence well in advanced of the game, preferably 48 hours. Also, please arrive at the field at least 30 minutes prior to kick-off. Players shuold be ready to play (this includes proper gear including shorts, shirt, socks, shin guards, footwear, and appropriate apparel for colder weather, as well as water or sports drink).
Arrive at the game well rested. Avoid late nights or spend-the-night parties on the night before a game. More than a few soccer games have been knowingly "forfeited" the night before the soccer match. Fatigue, as a result of too little sleep, raises the risk of injury. Build up body fluids before the game. Start drinking water and or sports drinks as much as 24-48 hours before the game, and try to take in as much proper fluid as possible right up to game time. Eat sensibly, especially on the day of a game. For instance, milk, peanuts or carbonated drinks before a game will shorten a player's wind.
Please wear the official DSC uniform. Come to games wearing the DSC Travel Soccer uniform and always bring the second game jersey to the game too.
Parents/guardians and players are expected to attend every team meeting as requested by the coaching staff.
It is the US Soccer and BWNYJSL policy that every player in age groups U12 and below should receive at least one half game playing time in each regular league game, unless otherwise prevented due to injury or absence. We encourage our coaches to follow this policy at all higher age groups as well, however this is not required.
A player’s playing time can depend on the factors listed below and is up to the discretion of the coach:
To maintain the exemplary reputation of our club, players and parents are expected to abide by the following guidelines.
Players are expected to:
Parents are expected to:
A parent's enthusiasm is extremely important for the overall soccer experience and the soccer development of each child, and highly appreciated by everyone in the club.
Unfortunately, we will always run into situations where some parents go beyond cheering, and their kids become an extension of their own perceptions and sports dreams. As a soccer club we want to make clear to the parents what their exact role is on the sideline. Everything around the game has to contribute to the soccer experience and soccer development of their child in a positive way. Children learn most quickly in a “safe” learning environment. In this environment, players have the freedom to discover the game by themselves. Soccer is a players’ game and players learn the game by playing. And in this process there is only one person who can help them; the coach. That structure has to be very clear. If that‘s not clear, things become confusing for the young player, the child does not know what to do anymore and the experience and development will suffer.
It’s obvious that even the littlest soccer player loves to be cheered on and that parents’ support is necessary and more than welcome. The coach actually needs the parents. But as soon as the child can tie his or her own shoes mom and dad create a safer learning environment by stepping away. And stepping away can also be seen as taking the next step towards independence. Give them a chance. You just enjoy the game!
Parents Should:
There Will Be No Coaching or Refereeing
No matter how good your intentions are, we insist there be no shouting instructions to your child or yelling (complaining) to the referees during games. Let the coach run the team. Attempting to coach or instruct your child from the sideline is distracting and counterproductive. Your vocal support and positive encouragement are welcome throughout good soccer play. The Delaware Soccer Club insists that the voice of coach be the only voice at all games or training.
Communication with Coach and Team Manager
Remember; there is a time and place for everything. If you need information or wish to ask questions concerning team management or coaching decisions, please contact the team manager to obtain the information or to arrange a meeting with the coach. Concerns or criticisms are welcome, but should be expressed away from training sessions and games. Do not vent your frustrations with the coach right away after the game. Give everyone a ‘cool-down’ period of 24 hours.
Improve Your Child’s Soccer Skills
As a parent, you can play a very important role in the soccer development of your child. Make sure your child attends every practice session and practices away from the team, watches the soccer on TV and attend local club, college or pro games. Also, encourage good nutrition and fitness habits. And help your children to fully honor their commitment to the team and the club.
Contact the Travel Committee
Office Visits by
Appointment Only:
1424 Hertel Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14216
Phone & Email Support:
🕠Mon-Fri: 8 AM - 8 PM ET
📱Phone : (716)213-6558
© Delaware Soccer Club. All rights reserved.